Sunday, March 4, 2007


On occasion things in life grow tiring and tedious and we just have to sit back and piss and moan...

I received a letter in the mail from some fundie organization telling me that god had told them to lend me two pieces of paper, both of which I was to return with some prayer requests...oh yeah, and some money! What a shock. It's nice to know that capitalism is alive and well in the churches of the world much like it was back when the catholic church owned brothels in London around the time of Shakespeare. Isn't it great to be a hypocrite!?

Maybe it's just the fact that I have finals coming up and a new term starting soon but it seems that all of the morons are coming out of the woodwork. I don't just have to deal with them on the street, at school, on the bus, now they send me mail. Funnier still is that the letter was addressed to "current resident." Ahhhh, very personalized. You want my money but you don't give a damn enough to find out what my name is?

Actually, that is too harsh. The real problem is in the 10,000 or so people who will actually send these parasites money. These mush-for-brains idiots actually believe that god directed these people to send them a "prayer handkerchief" and a printed letter of prophecy. Morons. Absolute morons. I hope they sent their life savings so that some--obviously savvy and unscrupulous--individual can buy expensive hookers and cocaine in Rio. Live it up bud! You earned it!

In other news...

Having some better luck with the computer. Turns out the CD drive just overheats. No big deal. Not yet, anyway. I'll have to get a new one eventually. The new hard drive went in like butter and is working fine. I now have so much room it is pathetic. Major file downloads to come...

I don't like having to reset all my options and preferences each time I reload my OS. Pain in the ass. Such is life. Gotta sleep/do homework.

That is all

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